Sunday, February 8, 2015

Strix nebulosa

As the weekend approached, there were no critical year birds to chase and I was looking forward to birding wherever I wanted rather than where my year list dictated. However, that did not last long once a couple reports of Great Gray Owls popped up on Saturday. The first report came from a rather inconvenient location relative to my residence, and naturally my reaction was: "For flock's sake, I'm going to have to drive all the way over there again". But then, saving grace came in a second report from a much closer and considerably unlikelier location, and so with a healthy dose of skepticism I decided to follow up on that one instead. After a little bit of looking, a lot of standing around, and then returning after birding somewhere else, the Great Gray Owl had materialized! 

Great Gray Owl - 2/8/2015 - This nest box appears to be its favourite perch; perhaps it will stay to nest in it this spring?
Count update: 159 as of Feb 8.


  1. Beautiful shot of a magnificent owl! Congratulations!

  2. I wonder if any Barred Owls use that box most years? I guess they'll have to nest somewhere else...

  3. I wonder if any Barred Owls use that box most years? I guess they'll have to nest somewhere else...
