Saturday, August 22, 2015


Northern Waterthrush is an uncommon fall migrant through our area, with their passage peaking in the second half of August (I. Povalyaev 2015, anecdotal data).  In anticipation of their arrival I had already started checking places like Reifel where I have previously seen them just as the reports started coming in according to schedule. I took my birding kit (bins, scope, camera, census shoes) to work on Monday with the intention of going to Stanley Park that evening to look for a NOWA reported there the previous day. Instead, I got word of another report from Hastings Park that morning. This is just up the street from my office, so, by the end of my lunch break I had waterthrush on my year list. 

#238 - Northern Waterthrush - 17 Aug 2015 - Hastings Park, Vancouver.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic shot and congrats on seeing it three times in one day
